Taste Israel

Gift Packages

If you’ve been on a food tour with me, then you know how much I love food bursting with flavor.

If you’ve toured the Carmel Market with me, then you may have met and even bought spices from Roni, his father Shaul or his mother Jenny, the owners of Shrem Spices.

Shrem Spices and Taste Israel have teamed up to create packages of spices, teas and blends that we think will give you the best taste of Israel right now, when you‘re craving it most.

Individual package sales are paused right now. Thank you to everyone who ordered gift packages during Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah!

Want to curate your own packages?

If you’re interested in ordering packages in bulk for gifts, a holiday or special event, please email Ruthie@tasteisrael.co to start working together!

Taste Israel Rosh Hashanah Thrive Again Package

$54 (FREE shipping to the United States and parts of Europe)

Filled with honey and a tote bag from impacted border communities

The Taste Israel Rosh Hashanah Thrive Again Package includes:

  • We shall thrive again tote bag

    Carry the beautiful kalaniot (anemone) flower that blooms across the border communities and the inspirational words based on words from the classic song ‘Kalaniot,’ that became popular in the days leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel. The tote bag was created for ‘Cafe Otef,’ several cafes established after October 7th, run by families from the border communities who have been displaced, which sells specialty items from across the region.

  • Honey from Kibbutz Erez 200 grams (7 oz)

    Dip your apples in honey from Kibbutz Erez, a resilient kibbutz founded in 1949 just 700 meters from the Gaza strip. The community specializes in traditional agriculture and produces 30 tons of honey in a typical year.

  • Apple ginger tea 100 grams (3.5 oz)

    Enjoy apples from Israel for Rosh Hashana with this tea from Shrem Spices, filled with dried apples, pieces of dried ginger and bits of ground cinnamon.

All items are kosher.

Place your order in the form below!

Taste Israel Fruit Tea Package

$54 (FREE shipping to the United States and parts of Europe)

Filled with 10.5 oz of an assortment of 4 fruit teas

The Taste Israel Fruit Tea Package includes:

  • Berry tea 75 grams (2.6 oz)

  • Lemon mint tea 75 grams (2.6 oz)

  • Pomelo melon tea 75 grams (2.6 oz)

  • Apple ginger tea 75 grams (2.6 oz)

All items are kosher.

Place your order in the form below!

Taste Israel Spice Package

$62 (FREE shipping to the United States and parts of Europe)

You can still Taste Israel!

The Taste Israel Spice Package includes:

  • Za’atar 100 grams (3.5 oz)

  • Sumac 100 grams (3.5 oz)

  • BBQ blend 100 grams (3.5 oz)

  • Hawaij for coffee 50 grams (1.7 oz)

  • Berry tea 100 grams (3.5 oz)

All items are kosher.

Place your order in the form below!